On Saturday October 23rd Oona and Laura left with 4 horses to Spain. After one night stop in Perpignan they arrived under blue sky and sunshine at the showground of Oliva Nova.
Magdalina Wenger had arrived the day before with her two horses preparing the boxes for us. All set for three weeks of jumping enjoying the beach and the last sun beams before the winter.
Aside of the good performance of the two young horses Uri and Aarhof’s Casanova Laura was delighted with Muffin’s improvement each weekend. She competed in her first 1.40 cm classes finishing 7th at the GP of the Bronce Tour second last weekend. Clarence took the challenge competing in the Silver Tour showing good results.
Magdalina Wenger was in great form showing determination and effectiveness in her rounds with Lollipop and Schoggi. She was placed twice, 3rd and 5th.
The 10th of November was Magdalina 28th birthday. She invited grooms, her friends the Müller family, John Oesterdahl, Nadja Peter Steiner and us to a wonderful evening at Galiwine Restaurant. Thank you Mali for your generosity!
The last three days the weather changed to rainy winds. We therefore left on Friday to be home on Sunday. Happy to be back full of wonderful memories.