Arriving at the show in San Remo is always an adventure. After a long drive from Switzerland finding your way through the narrow streets of the town center and parking the lorry in the tight space available on the show ground is a roller-coaster.
Our team consisting of Kaya Vinci, Rachèle Moser, Nadine Deville and Laura Aschwanden was rewarded for the effort with many ribbons finishes.

Aside of great results our „youngster“ Kaya and Rachèle have taken care and prepared their horses Bounty and Quinta themselves. Showering, braiding and putting in the studs. Great job girls.
Nadine Deville and Calito enjoyed their rounds on the well prepared grass arena never touching a pole.
Laura’s horses Cadenz, Clarence and Aarhof’s Casanova have become consistant in their performance.
After three successful days of show jumping Oona Eerola and Casanova shared a well deserved Mojito.