If feels like coming home arriving at the National Shows in Cervia.

Lala Nova and her team gave us a hearty welcome supporting us in all ways.

The team consisted of Chloé Uffenheimer with Aarhof’s Casanova, Tori, Rowe with JJ and Cadenz and Laura with her young horses, Master C, Mortimer plus Clarence V eager to compete after his long absence from the show grounds.

On Friday we started off well with the youngsters. In the afternoon Tori and Chloé were unlucky in the warm up. There was an incident that made it impossible to prepare riders and horses to enter the ring in confidence. When Tori rode her second horse JJ, dark clouds announced the beginning of a thunder storm. Amidst lightening and pouring rain she jumped clear and was placed 4th.

Saturday was a sunny and warm day. All went well this time. Tori placed 2nd with Muffin and 3rd with JJ winning two „Copas“ and half the entry fees eager to repeat her placings on Sunday. Chloé let Laura jump Casanova to give herself a rest. Laura’s youngster progressed as hoped.

Sunday morning everybody was up for a final round. When we woke up the rain knocked at our windows. The situation got worse. All the sand arenas flooded. No way to compete if it had stopped raining. We decided to leave before it got worse.

At 10.30 Eemeli and Heini had finished packing and the horses ready to go. We drove home looking back at two happy days and evenings.