We support riders at all levels of the sport at home and at shows. We also assist riders and owners with the selling and buying of horses.
We work with horses of all ages, from breaking in to competing up to the highest level. We give all horses the time they need to develop so they can persue a long and successful career in the sport.
Castle Stables specializes in a wide range of training options for riders for show jumping or for our client’s horses from amateur to Grand Prix level. We’re skilled and quite successful when it comes to buying, selling and developing jumping horses for our clients.
We have quality international jumping horses from lower level show jumping up to Grand Prix. Our horses are our partners and make our successes possible. In the gallery you will find details on our top horses.


Castle Stables is a private show stable located in central Europe in the beautiful countryside of Thalheim, Switzerland. The horses have always been a part of the family, starting as a passionate hobby and developing into a dedicated way of life. Castle Stables is a fully equipped coaching and training facility that offers a wide range of services.

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